



Техника и    технологии



member(whichCastmember).node(whichNode).translate(xIncrement, \

yIncrement, zIncrement {, relativeTo})


(translateVector {, relativeTo})

transform.translate(xIncrement, yIncrement, zIncrement \

{, relativeTo})

transform.translate(translateVector {, relativeTo})


3D command; applies a translation after the current positional, rotational, and scale offsets held

by a referenced node’s transform object or the directly referenced transform object. The

translation must be specified as a set of three increments along the three corresponding axes.

These increments may be specified explicitly in the form of xIncrement, yIncrement, and

zIncrement, or by a translateVector, where the x component of the vector corresponds to the

translation along the x axis, y about y axis, and z about z axis.

A node can be a camera, model, light or group object.


xIncrement Required if specifying a set of three increments. Specifies the x-axis increment.

yIncrement Required if specifying a set of three increments. Specifies the y-axis increment.

zIncrement Required if specifying a set of three increments. Specifies the z-axis increment.

translateVector Required if specifying a vector. Specifies the vector that contains the x, y, and

z components.

relativeTo Optional. Determines which coordinate system’s axes are used to apply the desired

translational changes. The relativeTo parameter can have any of the following values:

• #self applies the increments relative to the node’s local coordinate system (the x, y and z axes

specified for the model during authoring). This value is used as the default if you use the

translate command with a node reference and the relativeTo parameter is not specified.

• #parent applies the increments relative to the node’s parent’s coordinate system. This value is

used as the default if you use the translate command with a transform reference and the

relativeTo parameter is not specified.

union() 569

• #world applies the increments relative to the world coordinate system. If a model’s parent is

the world, than this is equivalent to using #parent.

• nodeReference allows you to specify a node to base your translation upon, the command

applies the translations relative to the coordinate system of the specified node.


This example constructs a transform using the transform command, then it initializes the

transform’s position and orientation in space before assigning the transform to the model named

mars. Finally this example displays the resulting position of the model.

t =transform()


t.transform.rotate(0, 90, 0)

t.transform.translate(100, 0, 0)

gbModel = member("scene").model("mars")

gbModel.transform = t

put gbModel.transform.position

-- vector(100.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)

This Lingo moves the model Bip 20 units along the x axis of its parent node:

put member("Scene").model("Bip").position

-- vector( -38.5000, 21.2500, 2.0000)

member("Scene").model("Bip").translate(20, 10, -0.5)

put member("Scene").model("Bip").position

-- vector( -18.5000, 31.2500, 1.5000)





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