Русский язык для медиков говоряших на английском языке-М.И.Кузин Москва1980 стр.330 | ||||
Русский язык для медиков говоряших на английском языке-М.И.Кузин Москва1980 стр.330 CONTENTS page Lesson 1. Закон об охраие здоровья..... 11 Vocabulary ............. 11 Exercises ............. 12 Основные принципы советского здравоохранения 19 Assignments............. 22 Lesson 2. Основные направления современных научных 25 исследований в медицине........ Vocabulary ............. 25 Exercises ............. 26 Проблемы научных исследований...... 32 Assignments ............ 36 Lesson 3. Гипертоническая болезнь...... 39 Vocabulary ............. 39 Exercises .............. 40 Патогенез гипертонической болезни .... 46 Assignments............. 48 Lesson 4. Атеросклероз.......... 50 Vocabulary ............. 50 Exercises ............. 51 Течение и прогноз атеросклероза ..... 56 Assignments ............ 59 Lesson 5. Ишемическая болезнь сердца..... 62 Vocabulary ............. 62 Exercises............. 63 Стенокардия ............ 69 Assignments ............ 73 Lesson 6. Диспансеризация ........ 75 Vocabulary ............. 75 Exercises ............. 76 Диспансерный метод в работе участкового врача 82 Assignments............. 83 Lesson 7. Аллергические заболевания .... 88 Vocabulary ............. 88 Exercises ............. <Ю Работа аллергологического кабинета .... 97 Assignments ............ 101 Lesson 8. Грипп ............ 104 Vocabulary ............. 104 Exercises ............. 105 Грипп и методы его профилактики ..... 112 Assignments ............ 116 Lesson 9. Язвенная болезнь ........ 120 Vocabulary ............. 120 Exercises ............. 122 Лечение и профилактика постгастрорезекционных расстройств ............ 126 Assignments ............ 129 Lesson 10. Острый аппендицит........ 132 Vocabulary ............. 132 Exercises ............. 133 Дифференциальная диагностика аппендицита . . 138 Assignments ............ 143 Lesson 11. Система медицинского обслуживания женщин Vocabulary ............. 146 Exercises ............. 140 Работа женских консультаций ...... 154 Assignments ............ 157 Lesson 12. Охрана здоровья матери и ребенка — это забота о здоровье будущих поколений . . . 159 Vocabulary ............. 160 Exercises.............. 161 Система охраны здоровья детей ...... 166 Assignments ............ 169 Lesson 13. Асфиксия новорождённых..... 171 Vocabulary .............. 171 Exercises .............. 172 Лечебные мероприятия при асфиксии .... 179 Assignments ............ 184 Lesson 14. Химиотерапия ......... 185 Vocabulary ............. 186 Exercises ............. 187 Антибиотики и современная медицина .... 193 Assignments ............ 196 Lesson 15. Медицинская радиология ..... 198 Vocabulary ............. 198 Exercises ............. 199 Радиоактивные изотопы ........ 203 Assignments........... Л»Ь Texts for Independent Reading....... ^ua Пересадка сердца........... 208 Прогресс общества и наследственность человека . -Ш Научно-технический прогресс и нравственность медицинских работников ........ 215 О международном сотрудничестве в области медицинской науки ........... 2Н) "Declension of Nouns (Singular). Table .... 223 Declension of Nouns (Plural). Table..... 22b Declension of Adjectives. Table....... 228 Declension of Personal Pronouns. Table. . . . 230 Declension of the Reflexive Pronoun себя. Table • 23i Declension of Possessive Pronouns. Table ... 232 Declension of Demonstrative Pronouns. Table Declension of Interrogative Pronouns. Table Declension of Definitive Pronouns. Table Declension of Cardinal Numerals. Table 232 233 233 234 Main Uses of the Cases ......... 235 Verb Forms. Table........... 245 Grammatical Notes on the Lessons...... 248 § 1. Structure of a two-part simple sentence. § 2. Sentences with a nominal predicate. § 3. Active and passive constructions. § 4. Complex sentences with an attributive clause. (Lesson 1) ...... 248 § 5. Word order in a simple sentence. § 6. One-part sentences. § 7. The participle. (Lesson 2) ... 255 § 8. The compound verbal predicate. § 9. The verbal adverb. § 10. Complex sentences with an explanatory clause, (Lesson 3)........... 263 § 11. Degrees of comparison of adjectives. § 12. Adverbs and their function in a sentence. § 13. Expressing temporal relations. § 14. Expressing conditional relations. (Lesson 4) ........ 268 § 15. Parenthetic words, phrases and clauses, and inserted constructions. § 16. Specifying and clarifying words and phrases. § 17. Coordinate parts of the sentence. § 18. Compound sentences. § 19. Complex sentences with clauses of comparison. § 20. Complex sentences with pronominal-correlative clauses. (Lesson 5).......... 274 § 21. Verbs of motion. § 22. Expressing spatial relations. § 23. Substantivised adjectives. (Lesson 6) 279 § 24. Expressing relations of cause and effect. (Lesson 7) .......Г...... 284 § 25. Comparative clauses. (Lesson 8) .... 286 § 26. Expressing concessive relations. (Lesson 9) 286 § 27. Expressing relations of purpose. (Lesson 10) 288 § 28. Complex sentences with a relative-extending clause. (Lesson 11).......... 289 § 29. The meaning of verbs with the particle -ся. § 30. Expressing indefiniteness. § 31. Expressing an approximate quantity. (Lesson 12) ... 289 § 32. Expressing negation. (Lesson 13) .... 292 § 33. The use of the verb aspects. § 34. Opposition of verb aspects (Lesson 14)....... 294 § 35. The function of the infinitive in a sentence. § 36. Composite syntactical constructions. (Lesson 15)............... 298 General English-Russian Vocabulary ..... SOO Цена: 200руб. |