member(whichCastmember ).node(whichNode ).rotate(xAngle , yAngle , zAngle {, relativeTo })
member(whichCastmember ).node(whichNode ).rotate(rotationVector {, relativeTo })
member(whichCastmember ).node(whichNode ).rotate(position, axis, angle {, relativeTo })
transform .rotate(xAngle , yAngle , zAngle {, relativeTo })
transform .rotate(rotationVector {, relativeTo })
transform .rotate(position , axis , angle {, relativeTo })
3D command; applies a rotation after the current positional, rotational, and
scale offsets held by the node’s transform object or the directly referenced
transform object. The rotation must be specified as a set of three angles, each
of which specify an angle of rotation about the three corresponding axes. These
angles may be specified explicitly in the form of xAngle ,
yAngle , and zAngle , or by a
rotationVector , where the x component of
the vector corresponds to the rotation about the X axis, y
about Y axis, and z about Z axis. Alternatively, the
rotation may also be specified as a rotation about an arbitrary axis passing
through a point in space.
xAngle Required if applying a rotation using
x -, y -, and z -axes.
Specifies the angle of rotation about the x -axis. (Определяет угол вращения по x-axis)
yAngle Required if applying a rotation using
x -, y -, and z -axes.
Specifies the angle of rotation about the y -axis.
zAngle Required if applying a rotation using
x -, y -, and z -axes.
Specifies the angle of rotation about the z -axis.
rotationVector Required if applying a rotation using a
vector. Specifies the vector that contains the angles to apply.
position Required if applying a rotation about an
arbitrary axis passing through a point in space. Specifies position in
space.(Определяет позицию в пространстве)
axis Required if applying a rotation about an arbitrary
axis passing through a point in space. Specifies the axis(ось) passing through the
specified position position .
angle Required if applying a rotation about an arbitrary
axis passing through a point in space. Specifies the amount of rotation about
the axis axis .
relativeTo Optional. Specifies which coordinate system
axes are used to apply the desired rotational changes. The
relativeTo parameter can have any of the following
values: Дополнительный. Определяет, что какая система координат осей использована, чтобы прилагать желаемые вращающиеся изменения.
Параметр relativeTo может иметь любое из следующих величин:
#self applies the increments relative to the node’s local
coordinate system (the X, Y and Z axes specified for the model during
authoring). This value is used as the default if you use the rotate
command with a node reference and the relativeTo parameter
is not specified.
#parent applies the increments relative to the node’s parent’s
coordinate system. This value is used as the default if you use the
rotate command with a transform reference and the
relativeTo parameter is not specified.
#world applies the increments relative to the world coordinate
system. If a model’s parent is the world, than this is equivalent to using
#parent .
nodeReference allows you to specify a node to base your
rotation upon, the command applies the increments relative to the coordinate
system of the specified node.
The following example first rotates the model named Moon about its own Z axis
(rotating it in place), then it rotates that same model about its parent node,
the model named Earth (causing Moon to move orbitally about Earth).
member("Scene").model("Moon").rotate(vector(0, 0, 5), member("Scene").model("Moon"))
The following example rotates the model Ball around a position in space
occupied by the model named Pole. The effect is that the model Ball moves in
orbit around Pole in the x-y plane.
polePos = member("3d Scene").model("Pole").worldPosition
member("3d Scene").model("Ball").rotate(polePos, vector(0,0,1), 5, #world)
- If you want to rotate the car 20°
around the world y-axis, with the rotation taking place at the world
location vector (10, 10, 10), use
vector(0,1,0), 20, #world) .
Пращение вокруг своей оси
member(whichCastmember ).node(whichNode ).rotate(xAngle , yAngle , zAngle {, relativeTo }
Пращение вокруг орбиты
member(whichCastmember ).node(whichNode ).rotate(position, axis, angle {, relativeTo }
1 #world Вокруг глобальной орбиты
member("myTest").model("Sphere02").rotate(vector(0,0,0), vector(0,0,1), 5, #world)
member(whichCastmember ).node(whichNode ).rotate(rotationVector {, relativeTo })
member("myTest").model("Sphere02").rotate(vector(0,0,5), #world)
relativeTo -Вокруг заданной орбиты
member("myTest").model("Sphere03").rotate(vector(0,0,0), vector(0,0,1), 5,member("myTest").model("Sphere02"),)
See also
pointAt , preRotate , rotation (transform) ,
rotation (engraver
shader) , rotation
(backdrop and overlay) , preScale() , transform (property)