



Техника и    технологии

Логические операции в 3D MAX можно можно выполнять только над двумя объектами.
Эти объекты должны пересекаться.
Оболочки исходных объектов ,участывающих в булевских операций называются операндами(operands)

Логические операции

Union Объединение
Intersect Пересечение
Subtract Вычитание
Add Добавление


GeometryClass Common Properties, Operators, and Methods

The mesh operations underlying the Boolean Compound Object in 3ds Max are accessible in MAXScript. They appear as operators (+, -, *) that you can apply to any two scene objects that are convertible to meshes. These objects are all GeometryClass objects with the exception of the particle systems.

The operators are:

<node1> + <node2>

Returns the union of node1 and node2

<node1> - <node2>

Returns the subtraction of node2 from node1

<node1> * <node2>

Returns the intersection of node1 and node2


$foo - $baz

$sphere01 + $sphere02 + $sphere03 + $sphere04

The Boolean operators change the first operand to be the result of the operation and leave the second operand untouched. So, in the first example, the $foo node is changed to an Editable Mesh object containing the result of the difference operation. In the second example, $sphere01 is successively unioned with each of the other spheres - $sphere01 contains the compound result and the other spheres are left standing.


Unlike the Boolean compound object in 3ds Max, this operation destructively modifies the first operand - you cannot retrieve the original first operand after the Boolean operation is performed. You can effectively keep the first operand by using a copy function,

For example

result = (copy $foo) - $baz

will put a modified copy of $foo into the variable result, leaving the original $foo unchanged.


GetTriMeshFaceCount <node>

Returns an array of two integers - the face count and the vertex count of the TriMesh on top of the modifier stack.

Boolean2 : GeometryClass


boolObj.createBooleanObject <operand_A> [ <operand_B> <add_method> <mat_method> ]

Creates a Boolean2 object using node <operand_A> and an optional node <operand_B>. <add_method> specifies how <operand_B> is to be used as follows:

1 - instance(Экземпляр), operand is an instance of the original node.
В операции принимает участие экземпляр второго объекта.

2 - reference(Ссылка), operand is a reference to original node.
В операции принимает участие ссылка  на второй объект.

3 - copy(скопировать),operand is a copy of original node .
В операции участвует
копия второго обекта.Сам Обьект остается при этом без изменения.

4 - move(Переместить),original node should be deleted .
operand_B пропадает после выполнения операции.

<mat_method> specifies how the materials of the two operands are to be handled as follows:

1 - combines materials without changing them or the ID's

2 - matches ID's to materials, then combines materials

3 - matches materials to ID's, then combines them

4 - discards original material, uses new node's instead

5 - discards new node's material, uses original


The following properties are available only after the boolean2 object has been created. The values shown for the properties are those for a boolean2 object created from two spheres. The operand transforms are in the local coordinate system of the boolean2 object.

<bool_obj>.Sphere02 SubAnim default: SubAnim:Sphere02

<bool_obj>.Operand_A_Transform SubAnim default: SubAnim:Operand_A_Transform

<bool_obj>.Sphere01 SubAnim default: SubAnim:Sphere01

<bool_obj>.Operand_B_Transform SubAnim default: SubAnim:Operand_B_Transform


boolObj.setOperandB <bool_obj> <operand_B> <add_method> <mat_method>

sets operand B. The values for <add_method> and <mat_method> are describe above.

boolObj.getOperandSel <bool_obj> <integer>

boolObj.setOperandSel <bool_obj> <integer> <boolean>

these methods get and set whether operand_A and operand_B are selected in the Operands list. <integer> = 1 - operand_A, 2 - operand_B

boolObj.getBoolOp <bool_obj>

boolObj.setBoolOp <bool_obj> <integer>

these methods get and set the boolean Operation Type. Valid values are:

1 - Union(Объединение)-
Результирующий обьект ,полученный объединение  двух объектов,содержит все точки двух исходных объектов-орерандов,за исключением общих точек.

2 - Intersection(Пересечение)
Объект ,полученный в результе операции пересечения ,содержит только те точки ,которые являются общими для
двух исходных объектов.

3 - Subtraction(Вычетания) (A-B)

4 - Subtraction (Вычетания)(B-A)

5 - Cut

boolObj.getBoolCutType <bool_obj>

boolObj.setBoolCutType <bool_obj> <integer>

these methods get and set the boolean Cut Type. The value for this property only has an effect if the Operation Type is Cut. The Cut Types are:

1 - Refine

2 - Split

3 - Remove Inside

4 - Remove Outside

boolObj.getDisplayResult <bool_obj>

boolObj.setDisplayResult <bool_obj> <boolean>

these methods get and set whether Results or Operands are displayed. If true, Result is displayed. If false, Operands are displayed.

boolObj.getShowHiddenOps <bool_obj>

boolObj.setShowHiddenOps <bool_obj> <boolean>

these methods get and set whether Results + Hidden Operands are displayed. If true, Results + Hidden Operands are displayed. If false, the Results or Operands as specified using boolObj.SetDisplayResult() are displayed.

boolObj.getUpdateMode <bool_obj>

boolObj.setUpdateMode <bool_obj> <integer>

these methods get and set the Update mode as follows:

1 - Always

2 - When Rendering

3 - Manually

boolObj.getOptimize <bool_obj>

boolObj.setOptimize <bool_obj> <boolean>

these methods get and set whether vertices are to be welded on the boolean result



boolObj.createBooleanObject <operand_A> [ <operand_B> <add_method> <mat_method> ]

Creates a Boolean2 object using node <operand_A> and an optional node <operand_B>.
<add_method> specifies how <operand_B> is to be used as follows:

1 - instance(Экземпляр), operand is an instance of the original node.
В операции принимает участие экземпляр второго объекта.

2 - reference(Ссылка), operand is a reference to original node.
В операции принимает участие ссылка  на второй объект.

3 - copy(скопировать),operand is a copy of original node .
В операции участвует
копия второго обекта.Сам Обьект остается при этом без изменения.

4 - move(Переместить),original node should be deleted .
operand_B пропадает после выполнения операции.

<mat_method> specifies how the materials of the two operands are to be handled as follows:

1 - combines materials without changing them or the ID's

2 - matches ID's to materials, then combines materials

3 - matches materials to ID's, then combines them

4 - discards original material, uses new node's instead

5 - discards new node's material, uses original


The following properties are available only after the boolean2 object has been created. The values shown for the properties are those for a boolean2 object created from two spheres. The operand transforms are in the local coordinate system of the boolean2 object.

<bool_obj>.Sphere02 SubAnim default: SubAnim:Sphere02

<bool_obj>.Operand_A_Transform SubAnim default: SubAnim:Operand_A_Transform

<bool_obj>.Sphere01 SubAnim default: SubAnim:Sphere01

<bool_obj>.Operand_B_Transform SubAnim default: SubAnim:Operand_B_Transform

boolObj.setOperandB <bool_obj> <operand_B> <add_method> <mat_method>

sets operand B. The values for <add_method> and <mat_method> are describe above.

Скрипт выполняющий

3 - Subtraction(Вычетания) (A-B)


4 - move(Переместить),original node should be deleted .
operand_B пропадает после выполнения операции.




Исходные объекты


Скрипт выполняющий

3 - Subtraction(Вычетания) (A-B)

--Создаем начальные данные



move Sphere1[0,0,0]

move Sphere2[0.0,-35.567,0]


boolObj.createBooleanObject Sphere1

boolObj.SetOperandB Sphere1 Sphere2 4 3

Скрипт выполняющий

2 - Intersection(Пересечение)

--Создаем начальные данные



move Sphere1[0,0,0]

move Sphere2[0.0,-35.567,0]


boolObj.createBooleanObject Sphere1
boolObj.SetOperandB Sphere1 Sphere2
4 2


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