Length, Width, Height—Sets the length, width, and
height of the Box object. These fields also act as readouts while you drag the
sides of the box. Default=0,0,0.
Length, Width, Height Segments—Sets the number of
divisions along each axis of the object. Can be set before or after creation. By
default, each side of the box is a single segment. When you reset these values,
the new values become the default during a session. Default=1,1,1.
Tip: Increase the Segments settings to give objects extra
resolution for being affected by modifiers. For example, if you're going to bend a box on the Z axis,
you might want to set its Height Segments parameter to 4 or more.
Generate Mapping Coords—Generates coordinates for
applying mapped materials to the box. Default=on.
Real-World Map Size—Controls the scaling method used
for texture mapped materials that are applied to the object. The scaling values
are controlled by the Use Real-World Scale settings found in the applied
material's Coordinates rollout. Default=off.