Cap Segments—Sets the number of concentric divisions
around the center of the cylinder's top and bottom.
Sides—Sets the number of sides around the cylinder.
With Smooth on, higher numbers shade and render as true circles. With Smooth
off, lower numbers create regular polygonal objects.
Smooth—The faces of the cylinder are blended together,
creating a smooth appearance in rendered views.
Slice On—Enables the Slice function. Default=off.
When you create a slice and then turn off Slice On, the
complete cylinder reappears. You can use this check box to switch between the
two topologies.
Slice From, Slice To—Sets the number of degrees around
the local Z axis from a zero point at the local X axis.
For both settings, positive values move the end of the slice
counterclockwise; negative values move it clockwise. Either setting can be made
first. When the ends meet, the whole cylinder reappears.
Generate Mapping Coords—Generates coordinates for
applying mapped materials to the cylinder. Default=on.
Real-World Map Size—Controls the scaling method used
for texture mapped materials that are applied to the object. The scaling values
are controlled by the Use Real-World Scale settings found in the applied
material's Coordinates rollout. Default=off.